Serving Indiana Amateurs Since 1971

Frequency Coordinator Appointments

Please welcome:

  • Patrick McDonnell, W3AXL
  • Paul Thieme, N9PCT

Both Patrick and Paul are RF Engineers by trade and we welcome both their expertise and time.  Integration into operations will happen over the next several weeks, so look forward to working with them!

IRC 2023 Election Results

Due to the lack of any nominations via email, nominations were called for from the floor.  Each member of the current elected staff was nominated for another term, beginning 1/1/2024.  There were no further nominations.    Thus the results were:

  • Chairman: Bill Atkinson, NF9K
  • Vice-Chairman: Bob Burns, AK9R
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Mike Sercer, WA9FDO

We thank you for your trust.